disney part one

Every year my family goes on one big vacation together. This year we decided to head back to Disney World in Florida, since it's one of our favorite places (my sister Madeline even got married there a few years ago!). Disney has always been special for us, so I wanted to try and get more pictures of the meaningful spaces. But, it turns out taking thoughtful and intentional pictures while parenting four kids is pretty much impossible (go figure). I did however, get some pictures that I wanted to share here. And my sweet husband took all four kids one afternoon, so I did have some time with my film camera and I will be sharing those soon!
This was the first time we had been to Disney since my mom died last October and she is 99% the reason we all love it so much. Her favorite fireworks show (illuminations at Epcot) is also going to be discontinued this fall so it was our last time seeing it. Emotions definitely ran high, but seeing the Disney through the eyes of my kids and still managing to get some pictures that remind me of her was a definite bright spot for me.